Welcome to the NOLA Mens Circle.

The Nola Men’s Circle beckons to those men who are unapologetically committed to steering their lives toward profound depths, unwavering accountability, and the zenith of personal empowerment.

This circle operates in rhythmic six-month cycles, each cycle birthing a fresh opportunity for new souls to embark on this profound journey. As you step into this sacred circle, you're not just signing up; you're committing to a six-month odyssey of self-discovery and empowerment.
This is not a drop in group.
We go deep together.

For those venturing into uncharted territory, welcome to a sacred brotherhood of men united by an unyielding commitment to elevate the very essence of our existence. Here, we forge profound connections with our physical beings, cultivate unwavering mindfulness, absorb profound teachings, and venture fearlessly into the depths of our souls, all while standing shoulder to shoulder in steadfast accountability.

This is not merely a place; it is a sanctuary where the fellowship of kindred spirits ignites a roaring blaze of support.

Read more about Men’s Work

The next 6 month cycle starts in April 2024!
If you’re interested, sign up below to be notified when enrollment opens.

Every circle starts at 7 and runs through 9pm.
Arrive no later than 6:50pm so you are in your seat and ready to begin at 7 on the dot.


Current Session April - September - 2024



Swan River Yoga Studio.
2940 Canal Street New Orleans, LA 70119.

You can pay your circle fee here

New Men Sign Up Below.


Mens Work.
New Orleans.